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Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. ed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste.

Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011

Hosted Microsoft Exchange 2010 München Hosted Microsoft Exchange 2010 Münchener Rechnenzentrum

Mit dem Microsoft Hosted Exchange 2010 stellen wir Ihnen eine schlüsselfertig installierte Groupware Messaging Lösung zur Verfügung.
Sie benötigen somit keinen eigenen Microsoft® Exchange 2010 Server bei sich im Unternehmen.
Ihre bisherigen Microsoft Exchange Daten (eMails, Termine, Aufgaben etc.) können problemlos übernommen werden.
Unsere Lösung basiert auf dem Microsoft® Exchangeserver 2010 und bietet Ihnen kombiniert mit unserem technischen Helpdesk eine ideale Entlastung bezüglich Ihrer EDV- Kosten und EDV- Administration. Ab 3,98€ im Monat pro User/Mailbox.

-Microsoft Hosted Exchange 2010 Kostenlose IPhone Anbindung an Microsoft Hosted Exchange 2010 in München und Deutschlandweit.

-Microsoft Hosted Exchange 2010 Kostenlose Windowsd 7 Phone  Anbindung an Microsoft Hosted Exchange 2010 in München und Deutschlandweit.

-Microsoft Hosted Exchange 2010 Kostenlose Android Phone Anbindung an Microsoft Hosted Exchange 2010 in München und Deutschlandweit.

einfach auf das Bild klicken

Exchange 2010 Hosting München Exchange 2010 Hosting

Exchange 2010 Hosting from IT Solutions Now enables you to achieve new levels of reliability and performance by delivering features that simplify your administration, help protect your communications, and delight your users by meeting their demands for greater business mobility. Exchange 2010 Hosting gives you the flexibility to tailor your deployment based on your unique needs and a simplified way to help keep e-mail continuously available for your users.
The success of your business hinges on your ability to make your users more productive and effective through the technology solutions you deliver. Exchange 2010 Hosting helps your users get more done by giving them the freedom to securely access all of their communications – e-mail, voice mail, instant messaging, and more – from virtually any platform, Web-browser, or device through industry standard protocols. Your users live their business lives in their inboxes every day. For so many organizations, Exchange has been the foundation of a universal inbox. Enhancements in the latest release of Exchange provide your users access to all of their communications from a single location while making it easier for them to collaborate with each other and their business partners.
The ever-growing flow of information into and out of an individual’s inbox daily can create overload and affect productivity and profitability. Exchange 2010 Hosting adds new productivity features that can help your users more easily organize and prioritize the communications in their inboxes. offers the best integration with the broadest range of clients; supporting a complete Outlook experience, from the latest Outlook client on the desktop to Outlook Web Access (OWA), ActiveSync with Direct Push Technology and Free 100MB SharePoint site.
Today's employees look for rich, efficient access to their e-mail, calendars, attachments, and contacts no matter where they are or what type of device they are using. IT Solutions Now delivers on all this in one hosted solution.

Quick tip: Connect to multiple Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 organizations


One particularly nifty feature included with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and CRM Online 2011 is the ability to connect to multiple organizations using a single Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook client. Only one organization can be configured as the “synchronizing organization”, the organization you’ll actively track Microsoft Exchange Server items in as CRM Online 2011 records. What you will be able to do is navigate and work in multiple organizations using the client.
We just discovered this and wanted to pass along the tip, as versions of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook client previous to 2011 required manual reconfiguration every time you wanted to use a different organization. We’ll walk you through the configuration of an additional organization below.
Some of the steps in this guide require elevated computer privileges. If you find yourself stuck during any steps of this guide, we recommend contacting your IT department.
We assume you have already installed the Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook client and configured it to connect to your synchronizing organization.
Open the Start menu, click All Programs, click Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, and click Configuration Wizard.
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook Configuration Wizard window opens (see below). Your synchronizing organization should already be listed and marked with the green checkmark icon. Click Add.
Connect to multiple Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 organizations
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook window opens and prompts you to Configure Organization (see below). If you are adding a CRM Online organization, select “CRM Online 2011” from the drop-down menu and click OK.
Connect multiple Microsoft CRM 2011 organizations
Alternatively, our readers who subscribe to partner-hosted Microsoft Dynamics CRM should type the Server URL: provided to them by their system administrator. For example, hosted customers of xRM.com should type “https://example.hosted-ms-crm.com” (see below) but with “example” replaced by the special name for their organization. Then click OK.
Connect multiple Microsoft CRM 2011 organizations
The Connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online window opens (see below) and requests your authentication credentials. If you subscribe to CRM Online 2011, enter your Windows Live ID and Password and then click OK. If you subscribe to partner-hosted Microsoft Dynamics CRM, enter the username and password provided by your system administrator for authentication.
Connect to multiple organizations in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
The Connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online window closes. If you subscribe to multiple Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online organizations, you will be prompted to make a selection from the Organization drop-down menu (see below). We’ll select “xRMDemo2” in our example. Leave the Synchronize with this Organization checkbox un-checked, unless you prefer to change your synchronizing organization. Then click OK.
Connect to multiple organizations in Microsoft CRM Online 2011
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook window closes and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook Configuration Wizard refreshes (see below). You should see the newly added organization (“xRMDemo2” in our example) included in the list. Click Close.
Connect to multiple organizations in Microsoft CRM 2011
Launch Microsoft Office Outlook, and click the Solutions button circled below to navigate to Microsoft Dynamics CRM or CRM Online 2011. The Solutions button should have replaced any prior organization button, as it contains both your synchronizing organization and any other configured organizations.
Connect to multiple organizations in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2011
We’ve just configured the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Microsoft Office Outlook client to connect to multiple organizations. If you’re looking for more creative ways to use CRM Online 2011, then you should visit the Microsoft Dynamics CRM success portal. It contains plenty of helpful videos and walkthroughs aimed at users of all skill levels.microsoft_dynamics_crm_2011_xrm_muenchen_kostenlose_testversion


Samstag, 24. Dezember 2011

How to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 without an Internet Connection


If you download the CRM 2011 ISO from MSDN or actually have a physical DVD that you are installing from, you will already have the Redist folder and all the pre-requisites downloaded. However, if you downloaded your CRM 2011 installation media from the Microsoft download site, then you will have to manually build this Redist pre-requisite folder structure.
Note: If you are installing CRM 2011 on a server that has Internet access, the installation will automatically go out and download the pre-requisite files during the install.
Step 1: Create the Redist folder structure at the same level as the Server, Client, EmailRouter and BIDSExtensions folders.
Once you create the Redist folder it should look something like this:

Step 2: Create the following subfolders directly under the Redist folder

Step 3: Download the pre-requisite files and copy them into the appropriate subfolders
Now you have all of the pre-requisites downloaded and saved in the correct folder structures, so you can continue with the CRM 2011 installation even without an Internet connection.


Ist xRM + CRM das neue ERP?


Auf den Bildschirmen hunderter Berater, Analysten, Microsoftpartner und -kunden aus aller Welt spielte sich vom 14. bis 17. Juni dieses Jahres etwas ab, das noch immer nicht so ganz alltäglich ist: eine Online-Konferenz, genauer gesagtmicrosoft_dynamics_crm_2011_xrm_muenchen_daten_integration die “Decisions Spring 2011“. Eine virtuelle Messe zu Themen wie Microsoft Dynamics AX, CRM, GP und NAV. Im letzten Jahr zog diese Messe etwa 3500 Interessierte vor die Computerbildschirme. Einer der zahlreichen Sprecher in diesem Jahr war der amerikanische Programmierer, Systemanalyst, Autor, Berater und Branchenkenner Josh Greenbaum. Seinen Online-Vortrag mit der Fragestellung “Is xRM + CRM the new ERP?” wollen wir im Folgenden zusammenfassen.
Anforderungen an xRM als Managementkonzept der Zukunft
xRM als das Nachfolgekonzept von CRM soll vor allem eine große Bandbreite unterschiedlicher Stakeholder und Assets (dt.: Unternehmensgegenstände) bedienen und miteinander verbinden können, so Greenbaum. Während Greenbaum in Bezug auf die Stakeholder gängige Parteien wie Lieferanten, Mitarbeiter, Kunden und Geschäftspartner nennt, macht er bei den Assets eine interessante Unterscheidung. So zählt er nicht nur Physisches, wie ein Produkt, zu den möglichen Assets eines Unternehmens, sondern auch immaterielle Gegenstände wie einen Vertrag, den es zu bearbeiten gilt (virtuelles Asset), oder Reperatur-Dienstleistungen (Service-Assets).
Damit die Interaktion zwischen Stakeholdern und Assets funktioniert, bedarf es neuen unterstützenden Geschäftsprozessen. Diese basieren auf Beziehungen. Sie managen diese Beziehungen und nutzen sie zum unternehmerischen Vorteil. Dabei existieren Beziehungen sowohl von Mensch zu Mensch, als auch von Mensch zu Asset. Sie werden innerhalb und außerhalb der Organisationsgrenzen realisiert und interagieren mit dem Backoffice, mit ERP und anderen Funktionen. Darüber hinaus müssen vorhandene Fähigkeiten und Assets wirksam eingesetzt werden. Dies geschieht mittels bekannter Tools aus CRM und ERP, die für den xRM-Gedanken entsprechend erweitert werden. So geht es im Relationship Management nicht mehr nur um Kunden, sondern auch um andere Stakeholder. xRM sollte sozial und kollaborativ sein, dabei aber von expliziten Prozessen und Methoden begleitet werden.
Ein Beispiel
xRM findet Anwendung in ganz unterschiedlichen Unternehmungen und in Zusammenhang mit ganz unterschiedlichen Assets. Ein Beispiel dafür ist die Stadt London, die über längere Zeit hinweg Probleme mit ihren Parkautomaten verzeichnete. Täglich erreichten unzählige Anrufe ratloser Autofahrer das Call-Center der Stadt, mit der Frage was zu tun sei, wenn der Parkautomat nicht funktioniert. Lange wusste niemand so recht warum bestimmte Automaten immer wieder ausfielen. Erst mit Hilfe einer xRM-Software konnten die störanfälligen Geräte ausfindig gemacht und Zusammenhänge mit dem Wetter hergestellt werden. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die Geräte nach kalten Wochenenden mit starkem Regen besonders oft versagten, weil sich das Wasser bei geringem Gebrauch der Automaten im Parkzettel-Drucker festsetzte. Man erkannte das Problem und baute eine neue Verkleidung um die betroffenen Automaten. Seitdem sind die Störmeldungen deutlich zurückgegangen.
xRM vs. CRM – was ist neu?
Der wesentliche Unterschied zwischen xRM und CRM liegt in der Struktur der Beziehungen zwischen Stakeholdern und Assets. Während im CRM überwiegend unidirektionale, einseitige Beziehungen bestehen, fokussiert xRM die Interaktion zwischen den Parteien und somit den gegenseitigen Austausch. Greenbaum nennt xRM auch ein “high-level development environment”, eine “5-GL” (fifth-generation programming language). Für die Implementierung von xRM führt Greenbaum folgende Schritte an:
  • Start with the basics of (Dynamics) CRM
  • Change the data model
  • Change the entities
  • Deliver a new app
  • Extend the data model
  • Create new relationships
  • Build new business processes
  • Integrate with existing (Microsoft) assets
  • Deploy on-premise or in the cloud
ROI Parameter – die Vorteile von xRM
Die Vorteile von xRM gegenüber CRM liegen für Greenbaum klar auf der Hand. Durch die Berücksichtigung vieler und vielfältiger Beziehungen, ergibt sich mit xRM eine bessere Anpassung an die individuelle Geschäftsproblematik eines Unternehmens und seine speziellen Bedürfnisse. Passt das Konzept besser zum Unternehmen, wird es außerdem leichter Schwachstellen oder Probleme aufzuspüren und zu analysieren (s. obiges Beispiel London). Ein weiterer entscheidender Faktor sind die geringeren Entwicklungs- und Weiterentwicklungskosten für xRM. Greenbaum sieht hier ein Kosteneinsparpotenzial von 60-75 %. Dadurch, dass für verschiedene xRM-Apps einheitliche User Interfaces verwendet werden, fallen außerdem die Kosten für die Mitarbeiterweiterbildung geringer aus. Letztlich ist auch eine Zeitersparnis und eine Steigerung der Benutzerzufriedenheit zu erwarten.
xRM als “das neue ERP”
Mithilfe von xRM erfährt das “herkömmliche” ERP eine Transformation – das Enterprise Resource Planning wird zum Asset- und Beziehungsmanagement. Im alten ERP liegt der Fokus auf dem Backoffice und es herrscht eine begrenzte Entwicklerbasis: spezialisierte Informatiker bilden Abläufe ab. Im neuen ERP/xRM hingegen liegt der Schwerpunkt auf dem Frontoffice, der dem Benutzer zugewandten Seite. Durch die Interaktion mit den Stakeholdern sollen Veränderungen auch von “normalen Benutzern” direkt in die Programme einfließen können. Insgesamt, so Greenberg abschließend, werden im neuen ERP/xRM das Management, die Anwendung und (Weiter-)entwicklung einfacher und die Time to Value deutlich kürzer.
Vivien NikolicVivien Nikolic studiert Kultur & Wirtschaft an der Universität Mannheim. Neben dem Studium arbeitet die angehende Wirtschaftsjournalistin als freie Redakteurin und engagiert sich in der Studenteninitiative “Market Team” als Projektmanagements-Vorstand. Ihr Interesse gilt managementbezogenen Fragestellungen jeglicher Art.

Kostenlose Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Testversion

Es muss keine Software installiert werden. Melden Sie sich
an, und greifen Sie auf einer sicheren, für Sie reservierten
Website, auf Ihre CRM-Daten zu! Hinweis: CRM Online erfordert Internet Explorer 7 oder höher.
Sie haben direkten Zugang auf Ihre Testversion – über einen Webbrowser oder über Microsoft Office Outlook. Sie können dies bei jedem Zugriff auf den Dienst frei entscheiden!
Mit Ihrer Testversion können Sie:
  • Zusätzliche Features herunterladen, um Ihre Testversion anzupassen.
  • Einführungsvideos anzeigen.
  • Tipps anderer Benutzer anzeigen und freigeben .
  • Auf Lernprogramme zugreifen und CRM-Beiträge lesen .
  • CustomerSource besuchen, unsere leistungsfähige Wissensdatenbank für Onlineschulungen, neueste Updates, Informationen und Ressourcen, die Ihnen 24 Stunden am Tag zur Verfügung steht.
Sie können Ihr Abonnement jederzeit während dieser 30 Tage aktivieren, um CRM Online nach Ablauf des Testzeitraums weiter verwenden zu können.
Einfach unter 040 30 698 77 0 anrufen oder Email an info@dynamicsconsulting.de

Hier Registieren

Samstag, 17. Dezember 2011

What’s new with Dialogs in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 UR5

Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 5

Dialogs are the synchronous/interactive processes in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online that collect and process information by using step-by-step scripts to direct users through a process.

Dialogs have been enhanced in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online R7 (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 5) to enable enhanced interaction with existing entities and records in the CRM system. The enhancements are covered in 3 parts below.

Smart Form experience at Runtime with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, data entered in the prior pages was retained when one navigated back using the Previous button. However, navigating forward using the Next button would cause the next page to be refreshed resulting in the user having to re-enter any data provided previously. This turns out to be a significant problem in time critical business processes like on-call customer interactions.

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online R7 (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 5(UR 5)), the data entered by the user is always retained, be it while navigating forward or while navigating backwards. In addition, to align with real world scenario needs, user entered data is overridden with server side values if it is dependent on previous page values (which are modified by user). The end user is informed of this override via the page level and per-prompt level alerts indicating that the content of prompt, response or tip have changed.

The data entered by user would be replaced with server side data if:

- The content of Prompt or Tip changed due to data slugs evaluating to different value AND/OR,

- The response data set (from Query step) or the default value changed.

For example, consider the dialog shown below. The dialog expects the customer to declare the annual household income to determine what Credit Cards the customer is eligible to be offered.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 in München von Dynamics Consulting
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 - Screenshot: Data entered on page 2 for the first time

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 in München von Dynamics Consulting

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 -Screenshot: Back to Page 1 and changing data

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 in München von Dynamics Consulting

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 - Screenshot: Page 2 is refreshed with new data for the first Prompt & Response but retains data for the second one

Enabling hyperlinks to CRM Records

Dialogs supported static hyperlinks in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 via the Insert Hyperlink dialog. This allowed for having static links to pages from within the Dialogs runtime experience. One could further enhance this by modifying the XML like string placed in the prompt of tip text upon using the Insert Hyperlink button to embed slugged query parameters and generate pseudo-dynamic URLs. However, one was not able to obtain URLs to CRM records created as part of the Dialog (or related CRM records).

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online R7 (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 UR 5) has a very unique solution to this limitation. Data Slugs - One can now use data slugs for Text to Display and URL fields in the Inset Hyperlink dialog. In addition this enhancement has been made available in the Email Content Rich Text Editor of the Send Email Step in Dialogs and Workflows. Data slugs can be obtained for attributes of the primary entity, related entities and records local to the dialog (records from Response values, Create Record Step, Variables and Input Arguments).

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 in München von Dynamics Consulting
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 - Screenshot: Insert Hyperlink in Prompt and Response Step

A new dynamic attribute Record URL is made available that evaluates to the URL of the record. This new attribute is available in the Form Assistant not just in the Insert Hyperlink dialog but across Dialogs authoring experience. For Internet Facing Deployments, the external facing URL of the specified record is evaluated. One can still enter static URLs in the format <Protocol><Address>. Please note that protocol is mandatory, if not the URL will result in a self-link URL at runtime.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 in München von Dynamics Consulting

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 - Screenshot: Insert Hyperlink in Send E-mail step

More CRM Data types: Date, Date Time and Lookup type attributes

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 allowed use of integers, floating point numbers, strings and forms of these as data types in Variables, Input Arguments and Prompt & Response steps. In addition, one was able to use Query Step values to obtain handle on records.


One can now use Date, Date Time and Lookup type attributes of entities in Variables, Input Arguments and Prompt & Response steps. While Date and Date Time are self-explanatory, Lookup type attributes may require some explanation to illustrate its correct usage.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 in München von Dynamics Consulting

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 - Screenshot: New data types supported in Variables, Input Arguments and Prompt & Response Steps

On choosing Lookup as the data type, one is presented with two drop-downs: Reference Entity and Reference Field. On selecting an entity in Reference Entity, the Reference Field drop-down populates itself with all lookup type attributes of the chosen entity. By selecting one of the Reference Field values, one would be able to add a lookup of that record type which is represented by the chosen Reference Field value.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 in München von Dynamics Consulting

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 - Screenshot: Using customer lookup attribute of case entity

For instance, if Account is the chosen entity attributes like Owner, Parent Account, Primary Contact etc. are populated in the Reference Fields drop-down. Selecting Primary Contact from Reference Field drop-down allows one to add lookup to Contact records in the system. Similarly choosing Owner from the Reference Field drop-down allows one to add a multi-entity lookup consisting of User and Team records in the system. The key is to identify the correct Entity-Field combination to represent your lookup record needs.

Please note that one needs to assign a value for Lookup type Variables using the Assign Value Step before using the variable. This is required as one cannot set a default value for Lookup type Variables.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 in München von Dynamics Consulting
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 - Screenshot: Reference type and Date Time type at runtime

At runtime, a Lookup control that allows selection of records from entities as defined by the Reference Field type selected is rendered. In the above example, since we chose to use the Customer attribute of Case Entity, we get to select Account and Contact records using the lookup rendered


Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2011

export a dynamic worksheet I get an sql error: Connection failed, SQLState: 28000, SQL Server Error: 18456: Login failed for user xy. This error comes on a windows server 2008.

CRM works fine, but if I'm trying to export a dynamic worksheet I get an sql error: Connection failed, SQLState: 28000, SQL Server Error: 18456: Login failed for user xy. This error comes on a windows server 2008.
On windows server 2008 r2: SQLState: 01000, SQL Server Error: 10060 Connection failed. Then a second SQLState: 08001, SQL Server Error: 17 SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
Both environments are in the same domain and I tried with several user. Everytime the same. Data Connector is installed on both machines. Both machines are single servers (crm+sql on the same machine).


Firewall is not going to allow the connection on Port


How do I open the firewall port for SQL Server on Windows Server 2008?
Windows Firewall on Windows Server 2008 helps prevent unauthorized access to computer resources. However, if the firewall is configured incorrectly, attempts to connect to an instance of SQL Server may be blocked. To access an instance of SQL Server that is behind the firewall, you must configure the firewall on the computer that is running SQL Server.

This article helps you open the firewall ports for SQL Server on Windows Server 2008.

To have us fix this problem for you, go to the "Fix it for me" section. If you prefer to fix this problem yourself, go to the "Let me fix it myself" section.

To fix this problem automatically, click the Fix this problem link. Click Run in the File Download dialog box, and then follow the steps in this wizard.

Fix this problem
Microsoft Fix it 50169

Note this wizard may be in English only; however, the automatic fix also works for other language versions of Windows.

Note if you are not on the computer that has the problem, save the Fix it solution to a flash drive or a CD and then run it on the computer that has the problem.

The script that is discussed in this section opens the firewall ports for SQL Server.

To create the script, follow these steps:

  1. Start Notepad.
  2. Copy and paste the following code into Notepad:

    @echo =========  SQL Server Ports  ===================
    @echo Enabling SQLServer default instance port 1433
    netsh firewall set portopening TCP 1433 "SQLServer" 
    @echo Enabling Dedicated Admin Connection port 1434
    netsh firewall set portopening TCP 1434 "SQL Admin Connection" 
    @echo Enabling conventional SQL Server Service Broker port 4022  
    netsh firewall set portopening TCP 4022 "SQL Service Broker" 
    @echo Enabling Transact-SQL Debugger/RPC port 135 
    netsh firewall set portopening TCP 135 "SQL Debugger/RPC" 
    @echo =========  Analysis Services Ports  ==============
    @echo Enabling SSAS Default Instance port 2383
    netsh firewall set portopening TCP 2383 "Analysis Services" 
    @echo Enabling SQL Server Browser Service port 2382
    netsh firewall set portopening TCP 2382 "SQL Browser" 
    @echo =========  Misc Applications  ==============
    @echo Enabling HTTP port 80 
    netsh firewall set portopening TCP 80 "HTTP" 
    @echo Enabling SSL port 443
    netsh firewall set portopening TCP 443 "SSL" 
    @echo Enabling port for SQL Server Browser Service's 'Browse' Button
    netsh firewall set portopening UDP 1434 "SQL Browser" 
    @echo Allowing multicast broadcast response on UDP (Browser Service Enumerations OK)
    netsh firewall set multicastbroadcastresponse ENABLE 
  3. Save the file as a .txt file by using the following name: OpenSqlServerPort.txt
  4. Rename the OpenSqlServerPort.txt file to the following: OpenSqlServerPort.bat

Before you run the OpenSqlServerPort.bat script, you must copy the script to the computer which has the firewall and then run the script on that computer. To run the script, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
  2. At the command prompt, use the cd command to navigate to the folder in which you saved the OpenSqlServerPort.bat file.
  3. To run the OpenSqlServerPort.bat script, type OpenSqlServerPort.bat at the command prompt, and then press ENTER.

Montag, 12. Dezember 2011

Neu in München Dynamics Consulting.de - Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Experts aus München

Neu in München Dynamics Consulting.de - Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Experts aus München

Dynamics Consulting München
berät, implementiert und betreibt Dynamics CRM- und xRM-Systeme auf Basis der Softwareplatform Microsoft Dynamics CRM in Deutschland, Europa und international. Das Unternehmen steht Ihnen seit 2002 zur Verfügung und verfügt überstarke Erfahrungen im Infrastruktur Betrieb, Applications Betrieb -& Hosting Bereich.


Der Teil-Bereich Microsoft Dynamics CRM Consulting wurde in den letzen 5 Jahren in München so stark ausgebaut , das er mittlerweile unser Hauptgeschäft darstellt.
Als Experte im Bereich Dynamics CRM 4.0 & Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 werden wir von Großunternehmen zu laufenden als auch abgeschlossenen Microsft Dynamics CRM Projekten hinzugezogen. Aus den Projektunterstützung können wir auf folgende besondere Erfarhungen zurückgreifen:

- Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 deployment and configuration
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 troubleshooting and performance review (over 600 cases successfully solved!)
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 customizing
- CRM Processes and PRM (Partner RM/B2B Business) processes
- 3nd Level Consulting Support for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Projects
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM Project reviews
- Proof of Concept for Dynamics CRM 4.0 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Wir bieten Ihnen Zusammen mit unserem qualitätsgesicherten Partnernetzwerk, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Beratung, Support, Dynamics CRM Hosting und Microsoft Dynamics CRM Add-ons in Europa, und Nord-Amerika an.



Dynamics Consulting provides technology and business process consulting services to enterprise and mid-sized companies throughout europe and usa with a focus on Microsoft Dynamics CRM. We specialize in larger and more complex deployments where customers really want to leverage CRM to transform their businesses.

high experience on:

- Dynamics CRM 4.0 and 2011 deployment and configuration
- Dynamics CRM 4.0 and 2011 troubleshooting and performance review (over 600 cases successfully solved!)
- Dynamics CRM 4.0 and 2011 customizing
- CRM Processes and PRM (Partner RM/B2B Business) processes
- 3nd Level Consulting Support for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Projects
- Dynamics CRM Project reviews
- Proof of Concept for Dynamics CRM 4.0 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Dynamics Consulting provides an quality-saved Partner-Network with Dynamics CRM Consulting, Support, Dynamics CRM Hosting and Microsoft CRM Add-ons throughout europe and usa with a focus on Microsoft Dynamics CRM.


Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2011

Bringing CRM 2011 and Share Point 2010 together


Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration? Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration?
Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration?
Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration?
Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration?
Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration?
Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration?
Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration?
Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration?
Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration?
Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration?
Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration?
Microsoft Dynamics CRM2011 – SharePoint 2010 Integration?

Glue CRM 2011 & Share Point 2010 together? Make CRM 2011 and Share Point 2010 converse? I wasn’t sure what to call this exactly. “Hooking together” works for me!

Now that we have a CRM 2011 instance and a Share Point site working, let’s get them connected up! Go to this website and download Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 List Component for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010:


Accept the License Terms.

Extract the files to a folder (I chose C:\CRM List).

You will get a prompt “The Installation is complete.” Click OK.

Let’s go over to the Share Point Central Administration Server to install the list component we just extracted. Connect to http://localhost:48835/ (your port might be different, be aware of this). Click Manage web applications.

Click the new Share Point site, and then “General Settings” (the blue cogs).

Scroll down to Browser File Handling and choose Permissive, Click OK.

Let’s head back over to our new Share Point Site. Click Site Actions up top left, and then “Site Settings”.

Under Galleries click “Solutions”.

Click the Word “Solutions” up top (you have to click the word “Solutions”, even though it looks selected), and then click “Upload Solution”.

Select the .wsp component that we extracted wayyy back at the top of this. I used C:\CRM List as my extract folder. Click OK.

You’ll get prompted at this point, I couldn’t active the control on this screen (but it still needs to be done). We need to make sure some services are running to activate the solution. Click Close.

Head back to the Share Point Central Administration. http://localhost:48835.
Found at http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tmathis/archive/2010/02/28/activate-disabled-for-sharepoint-2010-sandbox-solution.aspx?wa=wsignin1.0

Click System Settings -> Manage Services on this server

Click Start beside “Share Point Foundation Sandboxed Code Service”. I also started “Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Settings Service (by accident)” so that’s why that ones started.

Now to head back to our Share Point site http://localhost:39083/

Under Galleries click “Solutions”.

Click Solutions again, select crmlistcomponent, and the click “Activate” up top. Activate is now un-greyed out! Click Activate!

The solution has now been activated! Hurray!

There seems to be some confusion whether or not you need to run a power shell script to enable Activation of Share Point 2010 solutions (AllowHtcExtn). According to what I’ve read, you would need to run this if Share Point 2010 is running on a domain controller. I didn’t have to do this (and we’re on a domain controller), and I’ve yet to run into a problem with .htc stuff. Even in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Readme http://rc.crm.dynamics.com/rc/2011/en-us/on-prem/5.0/readme.htm it says:
“If you are using Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (On-Premises), you must add .htc extensions to the list of allowed file types:
a. Copy the AllowHtcExtn.ps1 script file to the server that is running Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010.
b. In the Windows PowerShell window or in the SharePoint Management Console, run the command: AllowHtcExtn.ps1 .
Example: AllowHtcExtn.ps1 http://servername”

Some people say the script works for them http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en/crm2011beta/thread/8d195290-6bfa-4d4b-a1a9-ad21bb296ad2, and some say that using just the blog method (what we did) works http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en/crm2011beta/thread/2b3b610d-206e-465d-b130-9bb3c294d50e
The sharepoint configuration is complete at this point. You probably want to take a snapshot, name it “After Sharepoint Configuration”. Let’s head over to our CRM server (localhost:85).

In CRM Click Settings -> Document Management -> Document Management Settings

Select the entities that you want to have documents enabled on. This will create a “Documents” area when you open an instance of the entity. I’ll just leave the defaults for now. At the bottom punch in your Share Point site that you’ve created and click Next. This is the Share Point server we installed the list component on. You’re not allowed to use localhost:port, just use the computer name:port like below.

Don’t select the box, otherwise it will relate the files to those entities. Without checking the box you will end up with something like Site/EntityName/Record Name (which is what I want, especially if you’re using custom entities). Click Next.

If “Libraries are being created in the path”, click Next.

Everything should “Succeed”, Click Finish.

Let’s test this bad boy out now.

Create a new account called “Test”.

Click Save! Click “Documents” on the left side. You’ll get a prompt saying that the folder (Test) is being created under “Account”. Click OK.

Click Add.

Now you’ll probably get these errors! /crmgrid/scripts/DialogContainer.js and 403 FORBIDDEN! Depressing. The only real information on this error was here: http://social.microsoft.com/Forums/en/crm2011beta/thread/3292f164-f90e-4bc0-ad34-fb0368d8a96f . It wasn’t very clear, but I stumbled through it. It seems that CRM 2011 doesn’t enjoy being called localhost. Let’s fix these up.

The fix for this was to run inetmgr -> Click Microsoft Dynamics CRM -> click Stop

Click “Bindings…” on the right side. Click “Edit” on the items that show “localhost” and change it to my machine name: “win-b80icqrvluf”. This is so it has a a “real” name to connect to.



Now click “Start” on the right side.

Head back over to the CRM (http://win-b80icqrvluf:85/CRMTest/main.aspx) make sure to use the host name, as it might give you the error if you use localhost. Open your Test Account again.

Click Documents -> Add, you should now see this popup (it can take a while to load for the first time on the VM). If you continue to get the error, stop both CRM 2011 and Share Point 2010 servers and restart them. If that doesn’t work, try restarting the whole server.

Pick a file, and click OK.

The file should be uploaded to Share Point now.

Head over to Share Point at http://win-b80icqrvluf:39083 and click “All Site Content” or “Libraries”.

Click Account.

You can see that CRM has created a folder “Test” (for our record). It creates 1 folder per record. Click it to see the files associated to that record!!

The files associated to the record “Test” in Accounts.

Share Point and CRM have combined into a super awesome force of doom. But we’re still missing 1 core piece of functionality (due to not picking a port when we installed CRM).


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