Samstag, 24. Dezember 2011

How to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 without an Internet Connection

If you download the CRM 2011 ISO from MSDN or actually have a physical DVD that you are installing from, you will already have the Redist folder and all the pre-requisites downloaded. However, if you downloaded your CRM 2011 installation media from the Microsoft download site, then you will have to manually build this Redist pre-requisite folder structure.
Note: If you are installing CRM 2011 on a server that has Internet access, the installation will automatically go out and download the pre-requisite files during the install.
Step 1: Create the Redist folder structure at the same level as the Server, Client, EmailRouter and BIDSExtensions folders.
Once you create the Redist folder it should look something like this:

Step 2: Create the following subfolders directly under the Redist folder

Step 3: Download the pre-requisite files and copy them into the appropriate subfolders

Now you have all of the pre-requisites downloaded and saved in the correct folder structures, so you can continue with the CRM 2011 installation even without an Internet connection.

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