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Samstag, 19. Februar 2011

CRM 2011 Style Templates

CRM 2011 Style Templates

I am currently working on a CRM 2011 project and I need to extend CRM to integrate with other systems.  The programming paradigm has shifted from server side programming to client side programming in CRM 2011.  In order to have a seamless integration between the two applications, I reverse engineered the current CRM 2011 CRM form page and created three HTML templates so I can leverage it in my current project.  The reason that I created HTML pages is because CRM 2011 stores all of the components in the web resources. HTML, CSS and Silverlight are the some of the supported components.  I uploaded the source code to CodePlex, you may download and use it at your own discretion.  I hope these templates helps you in your CRM 2011 projects.
CRM 2011 Main Form
CRM 2011 Main Form Area
CRM 2011 Lookup Form

Form Scripting with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Form Scripting with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
The ability to insert Javascript into Client-side Events was one of the most common ways of extending MSCRM’s functionality, allowing bespoke logic to be implemented with a small amount of development effort. This largely acted as mid-way development between Functional Customisation and more Technical Development for Server-side Plugins and Custom Workflow Actions.
However this ability to add Javascript was restricted in not being able to easily use Include Statements to incorporate Function Libraries containing common methods that the scripting could make use of across the solution – and this in turn gave rise to larger streams of Javascript on events, which could make for some unmanageable coding. (and indeed occasionally some of this, Copy and Paste Programming)
The Designers of CRM 2011 have clearly given thought to this problem and incorporated a system for attaching Javascript Libraries into CRM as Web Resources that individual CRM Events (such as Account onLoad or a particular field’s onChange) can invoke functions from.
This concept of having a Javascript Library is one that I have been advocating for a few years as way of encouraging MSCRM Developers to include their javascript files into a Visual Studio Project such that we could manage version control and source control – CRM 2011 is a big step forward to making this mandatory for including almost any Javascript in a project. This does give a natural downside in making the process for incorporating Javascript slightly more complex for people working with MSCRM, and particularly training Clients on the SDK, but this looks to be a trade-off that is common across CRM 2011 as the application comes of age.
To look at this in practise, the following steps show how to incorporate a simple helloWorld style method into the onLoad event of an Account in CRM 2011.
(1) First of all – we customise the entity in question to bring up Form Customisation.
Account Customisation - Form
Customising the Account entity form in CRM 2011
(2) Clicking Form Properties then opens a window (similar to V3 and V4) that allows Javascript to be added to the entity.
Form Scripting in CRM 2011 - 1
Customising Form Events for the Account Entity in CRM 2011
(3) From here we can either attach a Web Resource containing Javascript functions to the Account entity, or create a new Web Resource from scratch.
Form Scripting in 2011 - 2
Creating a new Javascript Web Resource from the Account Form that can then be used to hold Script Functions for events in the Account Form to invoke
(4) Typically here we would upload an existing JS file to import developed Javascript into the entity’s events – however we can also use the Text Editor button to amend or insert new Javascript directly into the Web Resource. This mimics the current method in CRM 3 and 4.
Form Scripting in CRM 2011 - 3
Directly developing the Javascript function code behind the Web Resource
(5) With the function developed within the Web Resource, and the Web Resource saved and attached to the entity within Form Properties – we can then attach the function to a particular event within the entity.
Form Scripting in CRM 2011 - 4
Attaching the helloWorld Javascript function within the Web Resource to the Account's onLoad Event with parameter
(6) This then gives us the Form Properties of the entity listing the Web Resource(s) in use with the entity, and the events that are invoking those functions:
Form Scripting in CRM 2011 - 5
The Form Properties for the Account entity listing the newly created Web Resource and Events
(7) With those steps done, we can preview the altered Account Form with the events added to see how the Web Resource script affects the running of the Account Form.
Hello World Alert
Resulting simple Hello World pop-up box alert on load of the Account Form
This gives us a simple piece of Javascript injected into CRM 2011 via a new Web Resource, and this concept of the Web Resource illustrates the change from CRM 4 in that to affect this change both the Account Form and the Web Resource must be published as two separate components before the end result will be affected to the users of CRM. In this, we can publish out code changes via the Web Resource without changing the Account Form and vice versa.
As well as the fact that we could publish this helloWorld function out to other events in CRM (such as field onChange events or other entity’s onLoad events) by simply invoking the same function and so can avoid duplicating the actual script, as we would have had to in CRM 3 or 4.
From a development management perspective, this means we can then say goodbye to managing Javascript files for each MSCRM Event in the fashion of the Visual Studio below and instead manage files of Javascript Functions that can be invoked against a variety of MSCRM Events.
Visual Studio Management of Javascript code for CRM 4 Project
Using Visual Studio to manage the Javascript for a CRM 4 Project where the Javascript code files are tied directly to MSCRM Events
Which gives us a much more structured method of managing our script files that separates out Entity Customisation from the underlying Script Functions – even if at the cost of getting accustomed to the change and appreciating the slight rise in complexity.

Configuring IFD (Internet Facing Deployment) with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

Configuring IFD (Internet Facing Deployment) with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
The CRM Team Blog has a handy blog entry (with video!) for users needing to enable IFD in CRM 2011.  The process is a bit more complicated than previously, but it will probably be more secure as authentication is claims based and no longer forms based.  Therefore you must install and configure a security token services and manage your certificates.
Here is the 23 minute long video to help you with this process:

Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2011

Die Leistung ist schlecht/langsam, wenn die Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Tabelle "AsyncOperationBase" zu groß wird

Wenn Sie Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 ausführen, wächst die AsyncOperationBase-Tabelle sehr groß. Wenn die Tabelle mit Millionen von Datensätzen enthält, ist Leistung langsam.

Darüber hinaus sind Fehler, die etwa wie folgt auf dem Microsoft CRM-Server in das Ereignisprotokoll der Anwendung protokolliert:

Ereignistyp: Fehler
Ereignisquelle: MSCRMDeletionService
Ereigniskategorie: Keine
Ereignis-ID: 16387
Datum: 2009/01/26
Zeit: 11:41:54 AM
Benutzer: NV
Beschreibung: Fehler: Fehler löschen beim Bereinigen Tabelle = CleanupInactiveWorkflowAssembliesProcedure Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Hilfe- und Supportcenter
Führen Sie die Bereinigung der AsyncOperationBase-Tabelle um dieses Problem zu beheben, indem Sie das folgende Skript gegen die <OrgName> MSCRM-Datenbank, in dem <orgname> ein Platzhalter für den tatsächlichen Namen Ihrer Organisation ist.

Warnung: , bevor die Daten Bitte Hinweis aufräumen, die System abgeschlossen Aufträge Geschäftswert in einigen Fällen und müssen für einen langen Zeitraum gespeichert werden, also bitte zuerst mit Verwaltung Mitarbeiter Ihrer Organisation besprechen.

System-Projekte betroffen:

  • SQM-Datensammlung. -Software Quality Metrics, die Daten für den Debitor sammelt auftreten Programm.
  • SQL-Auftrag Update Contract States. Diese Auftrag werden einmal pro Tag um Mitternacht ausgeführt. Diese Auftrag legt die abgelaufene Verträge auf einen Zustand der abgelaufen.
  • Organisation Full Text Katalogfeldindex - füllt Volltextindex in Db kb-Artikeln in CRM durchsucht.

Wenn wiederkehrende Aufträge abgebrochen haben, werden Sie entfernt.


  • Das SQL-Skript in diesem KB-Artikel ist nur einmal Aufwand. Sie können dies als eine SQL-Auftrag auf Grundlage entweder über Nacht, wöchentlich oder monatlich wiederholt ausführen hinzufügen. wie Ihre CRM-ausgeführt , , Sie müssen diesem KB-Artikel auf wöchentlich abhängig von Ihrem Unternehmen anwenden muss oder anwenden die Lösung von Writting benutzerdefinierte BULK DELETE Aufträge (Bitte finden Sie in unserem CRM SDK-Dokumentation auf der BulkDeleteRequest.QuerySet-Eigenschaft, BulkDeleteRequest-Klasse und Reihenfolge der löschen).
  • Stellen Sie sicher, dass die AsyncOperation-Datensätze für Workflows und die entsprechenden Datensätze aus dem WorkflowLogBase -Objekt gelöscht werden.
  • Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle entsprechenden Bulkdeletefailure Datensätze gelöscht sind.
  • Stellen Sie sicher, dass nur die folgenden asynchronen Operation Typen gelöscht werden, wenn das Bundesland der Typen 3 ist und der Statuscode der Typen 30 oder 32 ist:
    • Workflow Erweiterung Vorgang (1)
    • SQM-Datensammlung (9)
    • PersistMatchCode (12)
    • FullTextCatalogIndex (25)
    • UpdateContractStates (27)
    • Workflow (10)

IF EXISTS (SELECT name from sys.indexes
                  WHERE name = N'CRM_AsyncOperation_CleanupCompleted')
      DROP Index AsyncOperationBase.CRM_AsyncOperation_CleanupCompleted
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX CRM_AsyncOperation_CleanupCompleted
ON [dbo].[AsyncOperationBase] ([StatusCode],[StateCode],[OperationType])

declare @DeleteRowCount int
Select @DeleteRowCount = 2000
declare @DeletedAsyncRowsTable table (AsyncOperationId uniqueidentifier not null primary key)
declare @continue int, @rowCount int
select @continue = 1
while (@continue = 1)
      begin tran
      insert into @DeletedAsyncRowsTable(AsyncOperationId)
      Select top (@DeleteRowCount) AsyncOperationId
      from AsyncOperationBase
      where OperationType in (1, 9, 12, 25, 27, 10) AND StateCode = 3 AND StatusCode in (30, 32)     
      Select @rowCount = 0
      Select @rowCount = count(*) from @DeletedAsyncRowsTable
      select @continue = case when @rowCount <= 0 then 0 else 1 end     
        if (@continue = 1)
            delete WorkflowLogBase from WorkflowLogBase W, @DeletedAsyncRowsTable d
            where W.AsyncOperationId = d.AsyncOperationId
delete BulkDeleteFailureBase From BulkDeleteFailureBase B, @DeletedAsyncRowsTable d
            where B.AsyncOperationId = d.AsyncOperationId
            delete AsyncOperationBase From AsyncOperationBase A, @DeletedAsyncRowsTable d
            where A.AsyncOperationId = d.AsyncOperationId            
            delete @DeletedAsyncRowsTable

--Drop the Index on AsyncOperationBase

DROP INDEX AsyncOperationBase.CRM_AsyncOperation_CleanupCompleted

Verbesserung der Leistung des Skripts löschen

  • Um Microsoft CRM-Gesamtleistung zu verbessern, Planen Sie die Microsoft CRM-Löschdienst während der Spitzenzeiten für Microsoft CRM ausgeführt. Standardmäßig wird der Dienst zum Zeitpunkt von Microsoft CRM Installation ausgeführt. Allerdings können Sie das Ausführen um 10: 00 Uhr statt die Standardeinstellung zum Zeitpunkt des Dienstes ausführen. Verwenden Sie den Auftrag von Microsoft CRM ScaleGroup-Editor, um dies durchzuführen. Weitere Informationen der folgenden MSDN-Website:
    http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/ScaleGroupJobEditor/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=676 (http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/ScaleGroupJobEditor/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=676)
    Hinweis: Diese Aktion wirkt sich die Leistung des Skripts nicht direkt.
  • Zur Verbesserung der Leistung der löschen-Skripts in diesem Artikel den Microsoft CRM DeletionService Code zu verbessern, die ähnliche Löschvorgänge ausgeführt wird hinzufügen und, die folgenden three Indizes Organisationsname_mscrm-Datenbank, bevor Sie das Skript löschen in diesem Artikel ausführen:

    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX CRM_WorkflowLog_AsyncOperationID ON [dbo].[WorkflowLogBase] ([AsyncOperationID])
    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX CRM_DuplicateRecord_AsyncOperationID ON [dbo].[DuplicateRecordBase] ([AsyncOperationID])
    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX CRM_BulkDeleteOperation_AsyncOperationID ON [dbo].[BulkDeleteOperationBase]
    Hinweis Wenn Sie nicht diese Indizes hinzufügen, löschen-Skript kann zum Ausführen Stunden dauern.
  • Beenden Sie den Microsoft CRM Asynchronous Processing Dienst während Sie dieses Skript ausführen.
  • OPTIONAL: Wiederherstellen die folgenden Indizes und Statistiken aktualisieren:

    -- Rebuild Indexes & Update Statistics on AsyncOperationBase Table 
    -- Rebuild Indexes & Update Statistics on WorkflowLogBase Table 
  • OPTIONAL: Aktualisieren der Statistiken mit vollständige Überprüfung auf alle mit dieser Abfrage beteiligten Tabellen die unten Befehle (vorzugsweise an Spitzenzeiten deaktivieren):

    UPDATE STATISTICS [dbo].[AsyncOperationBase] WITH FULLSCAN
    UPDATE STATISTICS [dbo].[DuplicateRecordBase] WITH FULLSCAN
    UPDATE STATISTICS [dbo].[BulkDeleteOperationBase] WITH FULLSCAN
    UPDATE STATISTICS [dbo].[WorkflowCompletedScopeBase] WITH FULLSCAN
    UPDATE STATISTICS [dbo].[WorkflowWaitSubscriptionBase] WITH FULLSCAN
  • OPTIONAL : ändern, die MSCRM-Datenbank-Wiederherstellungsmodell Simple um überflüssige Generierung von SQL Server-Protokollen zu vermeiden. Für SQL Server 2005, Benutzername, der Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio als Administrator an, klicken Sie nach rechts Ihre <org_name> MSCRM-Datenbank, Eigenschaften , klicken Sie auf Optionen , und klicken Sie dann auf Wiederherstellungsmodell . Markieren Sie einfach und klicken Sie auf OK . nach dem Ausführen dieses Skripts der Anfangsdauer sollte das <org_name> MSCRM-Datenbank-Wiederherstellungsmodell an FULL für das beste Daten Wiederherstellbarkeit Modell umgestellt werden.
Um die Anzahl der Datensätze durch das Skript in diesem Artikel gelöscht werden, zu bestimmen, führen Sie das folgenden Count Skript gegen die Datenbank Organisationsname_mscrm:
Select Count(AsyncOperationId)
from AsyncOperationBase WITH (NOLOCK)
where OperationType in (1, 9, 12, 25, 27, 10) 
AND StateCode = 3 AND StatusCode IN (30,32) 
Quelle: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/968520
Weitere Informationen
Weitere Informationen finden Sie im folgenden Artikel der Microsoft Knowledge Base: 
954929  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/954929/ ) Die Entität AsyncOperation nutzt einen bedeutenden Teil der Datenbank _MSCRM [Organisation] und bewirkt, dass eine schlechte Leistung in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Weitere Informationen finden Sie im folgenden Artikel der Microsoft Knowledge Base:
957871  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/957871/ ) Die Erweiterung Workflowaufgabe Datensätze führen die AsyncOperationBase-Tabelle in der MSCRM-Datenbank in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 zu groß
Weitere Informationen zur Terminologie für Softwareupdates finden Sie im folgenden Artikel der Microsoft Knowledge Base:
824684  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/824684/LN/ ) Erläuterung von Standardbegriffen bei Microsoft Softwareupdates
Weitere Informationen zur Microsoft Business Solutions CRM Software Update und Hotfix-Paket Terminologie finden Sie im folgenden Artikel der Microsoft Knowledge Base:
887283  (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/887283/ ) Microsoft Business Solutions CRM-Softwarehotfix und Update Packen Namensstandards

Asyncoperationbase table - operationtype, status code and state code


The asyncoperationbase table stores details of system jobs (including workflows). The following table details some of the different job types that are stored in the table.
1System Event
9Collect SQM data
10*Workflow Operation
12Update Match Code
25Generate Full Text Catalog
27Update Contract States
Note: For entries where the operationtype is 10, there are also related entries in the workflowlogbase table (join on the asyncoperationid field). The CRM SDK lists additional operationtypes.
State CodeStatus Code
2Locked20In Progress
Automatic deletion of entries from this table can be enabled if Update Rollup 3 is installed. Refer to:
- http://support.microsoft.com/kb/957871/ for removing workflow expansion tasks
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/968755/ for removing completed workflow entries
This article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/968520 describes how to manually remove entries from the asyncoperationbase table.

The Top 10 Features of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

1. New Business Intelligence Functionality

The new real-time dashboards in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 deliver advanced business intelligence functionality that is simple to use.
Users can quickly configure multiple dashboards to monitor business performance, for example. The dashboards can be set up for individual or shared use, and can include inline charts with drill-down intelligence to visually navigate data, identify trends and uncover new insights.

2. Tight Integration with Microsoft Office

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 introduces a new Office 2010 contextual ribbon for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online and Microsoft Dynamics CRM browser clients. The ribbon delivers a consistent, familiar navigation and user experience.
The new release enables CRM information to take full advantage of native Outlook functionality, including previews and conditional formatting. Users can highlight and flag CRM records, just like they can with an Outlook email.
The reading pane gives users an instant view of a record without having to open a new screen.

3. Advanced User Personalization

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 lets users configure their workplaces to meet their specific roles and information needs. Personalizing a workspace allows users to set the default pane and tab that display when they open Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.
Users also have control over what links appear in the workplace view, how many records appear in lists, how numbers and dates display, and the language they want to use. Finally, users can combine these personalized features with the new dashboard feature to create a personalized dashboard for their default view.

4. Integration with SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics NAV

The beta demonstrates Microsoft's desire to provide out-of-the-box integration with two key Microsoft products: SharePoint and Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 integrates with SharePoint Server's document management through contextual document repositories.
CRM 2011 will also integrate with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2, due for release in the next few months. Together, the two products will boost productivity by enhancing interaction between front and back office applications.

5. Role-based Forms and Views

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 displays forms and views based on user roles. This role-tailored design ensures that users have fast access to the relevant information they need. Role-based forms and views also prevent users from seeing data that they are not authorized to view.

6. Better Configuration Capabilities

Microsoft has incorporated numerous small but significant features into Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 that make it easier for businesses to configure solutions, either for themselves or third-parties.
Key features are: custom activities and communications; field-level security; data auditing; tailored form experience; and an improved knowledge base.

7. Customizing and Sharing

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 introduces what the vendor calls 'solutions,' which are ways to save customizations and share them with others. Users can create a solution or import a solution created by a developer outside the organization.
A managed solution can only be edited by a specific user. An unmanaged one can be edited by any user with an appropriate role. A solution can have version numbering, relationships with entities and other components, and security features based on user roles.

8. Interactive Process Dialogs

Dialogs help companies to collect and process information using step-by-step scripts. At the most basic level, companies can use dialogs to guide customer interactions and internal processes. At another level, dialogs can be used to increase performance and versatility by incorporating workflow logic. This logic invokes automated tasks using the responses a customer or user makes during a dialog script.

9. Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace

Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace is an online solutions catalog that helps developers accelerate and extend their Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online implementations. The marketplace is fully integrated with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
Customers will be able to access Microsoft Dynamics Marketplace from within Microsoft Dynamics CRM to search and download applications and connect with Microsoft partners. For more information, visit http://crm.dynamics.com/DynamicsMarketplace/landing.aspx.

10. Cloud Development and Deployment

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 allows developers to take advantage of Windows Azure to develop and deploy custom code for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online using tools such as Visual Studio. Developers can use Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 to incorporate Microsoft Silverlight, Windows Communication Foundation, and .NET Language Integrated Query (LINQ) into their cloud solutions.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Server Release Candidate (RC1)

Seit dem 15.12.2010 steht der RC1 zum Download bereit.

Die entsprechenden Downloads findet ihr unter den folgenden Links
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Server Release Candidate 05.00.9688.34 (nur Englisch)
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... 422a16b91d
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Microsoft Office Outlook 05.00.9688.32 (25 Sprachen)http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... ce16bfdd36
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Language Pack (41 Sprachen) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... c83ad37729
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Report Authoring Extension (25 Sprachen) http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... 83a1837c4d
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 E-mail Router (25 Sprachen)http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... 7b3d40a2bf
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 List Component for Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 (41 Sprachen)http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/d ... a949aec6a7

Unter folgender URL stehen die deutschen Beta Versionen von CRM 2011 zum Download bereit:
CRM 2011 Download
Hinweis: Seit dem 16.09.2010 gibt es eine neue Version des Outlook Clients. Wer Probleme mit seinem Client hat, sollte auf jedem Fall zuerst die aktuellste Version downloaden.
    Dabei haben die einzelnen Dateien folgende Bedeutung:
  • CRM2011-client-DEU-amd64.exe
    CRM Outlook Client 64 bit
  • CRM2011-client-DEU-i386.exe
    CRM Outlook Client 32 bit
  • CRM2011-mui-DEU-amd64.exe
    CRM Language Pack deutsch 64 bit
  • CRM2011-mui-DEU-i386.exe
    CRM Language Pack deutsch 32 bit
  • CRM2011-SharePointList-DEU-amd64.exe
    CRM SharePoint Komponente
    Die Komponente wird benötigt, damit das CRM automatisch Ordner im SharePoint anlegen kann.
    Hinweis: Es wird nur SharePoint 2010 unterstützt
  • CRM2011-BIDSExtensions-DEU-i386.exe
    Fetch-Erweiterungen für Microsoft Dynamics CRM für BI Development Studio
Englische Software

Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2011

Microsoft hat ganz aktuell die RC-Version (Release Candidate) vom Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 zum Download bereitgestellt

Microsoft hat ganz aktuell die RC-Version (Release Candidate) vom Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 zum Download bereitgestellt. Es handelt sich hierbei um die Deutsche Version vom CRM 2011.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 läuft unter Windows XP, Vista und Windows 7 sowie ab Windows Server 2008.
Der Download umfasst eine Größe von ca. 1100MB. Die notwendigen Product Keys für die Installation der RC Version findet Ihr direkt auf der Microsoft Seite. Zum Download wird angeboten:
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Workgroup Server (5 CAL Limit)
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Server (kein CAL Limit)
Ihr könnt die CRM Komponenten hier nachfolgend downloaden:– Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Release Candidate (RC)

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