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Freitag, 25. Mai 2012

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Data Integration

At the point of time where customers are going to implement an Microsoft Dynamics CRM System, they most often already have an ERP System like SAP or Navision or Axapta in place.

As you do not want to have inconsitant data, and also do not want to maintain data twice you will get the need to get an data integration beween your Microsoft Dynamis CRM System and you ERP System, lets take SAP as an example.

In general we talk about 3 Main Areas of Data Integration:

1. Master Data Integration

2. Customer Data Integration
3. Application Integration

1. Master Data Integration:What we need as starting point in Dynamics CRM are the accounts already present in SAP.
Maybe we have also contacts in regarding to the accounts maintained in SAP.
What we would also integrate is the Products from SAP to the Products Entity in Dynamics CRM.
So we talk about Master Data Integration as basement of our Dynamics CRM Implementation.

2. Customer Data Integration:So do not switching around between Dynamics CRM and SAP all the time we need some related Customer Data in Dynamics CRM. IT would not really make sense to have the whole accounting information in Dynamics CRM when you have an dedecated ERP System but, for example customer complaints and customer products would be very useful information.
So the account manager really gets an good overview with Dynamics CRM what is going on at his customer.

Customer Product for example are not existing by default in Dynamics CRM. It is really simple to to build as we are using an existing product integrate via Master Data Integration and link this with a N:N relationship to the account.

This will provide us really nice features and process optimization opportunties.
Imaging you have the need to inform all who bought customers with Product C about an special new information regarding this. In the past a big job for any student to fetch all this informtion out of SAP by hand and write a letter or an email to each of them.

With an Data Integration like discribe above more an 10 minutes job ;-)

You only go to your contacts and raise the following Advanced Find:

- Contacs where Parent Account has an related Product "Product C" -

Click an Find and you have an big list of all these customers. Now you can add them to an marketing list or directly raise an Quick Campaign out of the list using Microsoft Word Mail Merge for Letters or direct Emails as Channel.

Click submit and the work is done, so easy it can be with an proper dataintegration ;-)

Samstag, 12. Mai 2012

(Dynamics ) CRM Datenqualität nachhaltig verbessern

Informationsqualität oder Datenqualität bezeichnet die Qualität, also Relevanz und Korrektheit von Informationen. Insbesondere besagt sie, wie verlässlich eine Information ist und inwieweit man sie als Grundlage für eine Planung des eigenen Handelns verwenden kann

soweit die Wikipedia Kernbeschreibung

Aktuelle und historische (Dynamics) CRM Daten bilden die Grundlage für viele operative und strategische CRM Prozesse in den Bereichen Vertrieb, Marketing, Service und Unternehmensführung.

Das Problem:

(Dynamics)  CRM Daten mit geringer Qualität bedeuten:

- erhebliche Risiken für Unternehmen z.B. bei Strategischen Entscheidungen
- sehr inkonsequenten Nutzung von Verkaufschancen da Sie diese einfach nicht erkennen.
- die CRM Servicequalität wird negativ beeinflusst, da Sie Problemhäufungen nicht erkennen
- Marketingaktionen aus Kunden-Stammdaten mit einer Rückläuferquote von mehr als 25%.

Die Werkzeuge:
 1. Dubletten sicher identifizieren und zusammenführen (voll- / halbautomatisch)

 2. Dubletten Erstellung einschränken und  unterbinden (voll- / halbautomatisch)
 3. Dynamics CRM automatische & halbautomatische Datenpflege / Datenanreicherung (SS)
 4. Dynamics CRM automatische & halbautomatische Datenpflege / Datenanreicherung (SP)
 5. Prozesserweiterung zur nachhaltigen Datenkategorisierung
 6. Umfassende Datenintegration zur weiteren Datenanreicherung & Relevanz Erhöhung

Nicht nur Daten aus externen Kunden- und Lieferanten-Beziehungen (CRM), sondern auch bei internen Prozesse des Unternehmens (XRM) entscheiden über Datenqualität & Nachhaltiges Handeln des Unternehmens.

„Wie schnell kann der Mitarbeiter ein problembezogen des Dokument finden und versenden?“

„Eine Information auf einem Post-it, ist nicht nur für Kollegen und Vorgesetzte nicht nachvollziehbar, Sie kann auch für Sie verloren gehen!“

In der Praxis eventuell nicht wirklich umsetzbar, aber einige Unternehmen würden gut darin tun Papiere zu verbieten und Excel zu deinstallieren. Eventuell der beste Weg zur prozessorientierten zentralen Datenhaltung.

Die Lösung:

Ein andauernder Vorgang unter Einsatz guter Prozesse und den oben genannten Werkzeugen. Viele Unternehmen werben zwar mit 100%igen Daten, aber die Realität ist davon meist sehr weit entfernt.

Freitag, 11. Mai 2012

Fixed it! CRM 2011 404 Error Loading Web Resources

After installing Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 at a customer site today we get the follwoing issue. The CRM appeared to complete successfully, and if you didn’t look too close, the application seemed to be working fine.
But once we started to configure the queues, we noticed that there were form scripting errors all over the place. We usd fiddler to get more details on this issue.

As it turns out, the CRM was unable to load any of the Web Resources. 

Resolution 1 – URL Re-Write Rules Missing
In the CRM’s web.config (please make a backup copy of this file before working on it), there should be a <rewrite> section. If it is missing or doesn’t look like the XML below, then try updating it:
<rule name="ClientGlobalContextRule" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="/?([0-9a-zA-Z][^/]*)?/?((?:%7b|\{)[^/]*(?:%7d|\}))?/?(WebResources|Handlers)/ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/{R:1}/_Common/ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx" />
<rule name="WebResourcesRule" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="/?([0-9a-zA-Z][^/]*)?/?((?:%7b|\{)[^/]*(?:%7d|\}))?/?webresources/([^\\?]+)" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/{R:1}/Handlers/WebResource.ashx?name={R:3}" />
<rule name="FederationMetadataRule" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/Handlers/FederationMetadata.ashx" />

Note that if your <rewrite> section is missing altogether, then you should insert the snippet above between this:

and this:

After updating the web.config, you should do an IISRESET or reboot the server.
Resolution 2 – URL Re-Write Module is Corrupt
In our case, the <rewrite> section was ok, but it turned out that the IIS URL Re-Write Module was corrupt.

Open up Control Panel—>Programs. Select the Microsoft URL Rewrite Module from the list, and click the ‘Repair’ button. Or go ahead uninstall teh 1.1 URL Rewrite Module and install the 2.0 Version direcly. Will be required for CRM 2011 ADFS / IFD Deployments anyway.

IISRESET or reboot the server.

Fixed andcustomer happy!

Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 UR9 Beta available

The beta version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 UR9 or Q2 2012 Service Update or “R8”. The beta release only includes on-premises version of the next release of CRM. This release includes support for multiple browser types and many other great features that you can find in the Release Preview Guide.
This beta release is primarily targeted at developers and partners. We want you to make sure your solution and custom code works as you expect with the upcoming release. Please be sure to ready yourself, your peers and solutions for the release coming up in just a few short weeks.

What does the beta include?

  • A test only on-premises build
  • Pre-recorded feature overview sessions and power point presentation files
  • Pre-release implementation guide
  • SDK and readme.
Again we’d like to emphasize that the beta release is for test purposes only, and not for production usage. There is no migration path from the beta to the final release, so please plan accordingly and use appropriate test environments. There are elements of upcoming release that are not included in the beta, for example Mobility or CRMOnline specific features are not offered as part of the beta but will be available in the final release.

Where can you get the beta release?

The bits are available on Microsoft Connect site. Please follow the steps below to get access.
  1. Please provision an account on the R8 Beta Connect site by clicking on this link. https://connect.microsoft.com/site687/InvitationUse.aspx?ProgramID=7663&InvitationID=crnb-FJTQ-QPB3
  2. Please complete the R8 Beta Access Survey using this link. (this link will not work until you complete step 1 above) http://connect.microsoft.com/site687/Survey/Survey.aspx?SurveyID=14211
  3. Please access the R8 Beta Package using this link. (this link will not work until you complete steps 1&2 above) https://connect.microsoft.com/site687/Downloads
  4. Please pose any questions about the R8 Beta using this R8 Beta Discussion Group here. (this link will not work until you complete steps 1&2 above) http://innovation.connect.microsoft.com/CRM2011R8Beta/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=6861

Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2012

Dynamics CRM 2011 Rollup 8 now available

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM UR8 was released today  May 3rd 2012.
You can find the related Rollup 8 items here
Rollup 8 Build Number: 05.00.9690.2243

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