Freitag, 25. Mai 2012

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Data Integration

At the point of time where customers are going to implement an Microsoft Dynamics CRM System, they most often already have an ERP System like SAP or Navision or Axapta in place.

As you do not want to have inconsitant data, and also do not want to maintain data twice you will get the need to get an data integration beween your Microsoft Dynamis CRM System and you ERP System, lets take SAP as an example.

In general we talk about 3 Main Areas of Data Integration:

1. Master Data Integration

2. Customer Data Integration
3. Application Integration

1. Master Data Integration:What we need as starting point in Dynamics CRM are the accounts already present in SAP.
Maybe we have also contacts in regarding to the accounts maintained in SAP.
What we would also integrate is the Products from SAP to the Products Entity in Dynamics CRM.
So we talk about Master Data Integration as basement of our Dynamics CRM Implementation.

2. Customer Data Integration:So do not switching around between Dynamics CRM and SAP all the time we need some related Customer Data in Dynamics CRM. IT would not really make sense to have the whole accounting information in Dynamics CRM when you have an dedecated ERP System but, for example customer complaints and customer products would be very useful information.
So the account manager really gets an good overview with Dynamics CRM what is going on at his customer.

Customer Product for example are not existing by default in Dynamics CRM. It is really simple to to build as we are using an existing product integrate via Master Data Integration and link this with a N:N relationship to the account.

This will provide us really nice features and process optimization opportunties.
Imaging you have the need to inform all who bought customers with Product C about an special new information regarding this. In the past a big job for any student to fetch all this informtion out of SAP by hand and write a letter or an email to each of them.

With an Data Integration like discribe above more an 10 minutes job ;-)

You only go to your contacts and raise the following Advanced Find:

- Contacs where Parent Account has an related Product "Product C" -

Click an Find and you have an big list of all these customers. Now you can add them to an marketing list or directly raise an Quick Campaign out of the list using Microsoft Word Mail Merge for Letters or direct Emails as Channel.

Click submit and the work is done, so easy it can be with an proper dataintegration ;-)

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