Update Rollup 21 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Available for Download!
Are you still using the 4.0 version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM? We have good news for you – a new Update Rollup release! Rollup 21 is now available for download.
Want to go to the Download Center to access the downloadable files? Click here. These EXE files are downloaded based upon the bit version of your server (they are available for 64-bit server and 32-bit server versions). A Client download EXE file, based upon your version of MS Office, is also available for the 32-bit version of MS Office ONLY.
Want to go to the KB Article to read a bit more about the fixes included in the Rollup? Click here. The KB article goes in depth about included hotfixes available in the Rollup, as well as installation requirements and reminders. It also contains information about any fixes that need to be applied to the registry manually.
NOTE: A prompt to restart the server may or may not occur after installing Rollup 21. As a reminder, a restart of a Client machine is ALWAYS required after installing the Rollup file for MS Outlook.
Interested in upgrading to the newest and most robust version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM? Click here to contact us in order to learn more about the 2011 version of Dynamics CRM.