I noticed the other day that the CRM 2011 SDK had a few quite useful tools. One that I thought was very handy was the Web Resource Utility. This tool makes uploading multiple images or files as Web Resources easier. You can download the CRM 2011 SDK here http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=420f0f05-c226-4194-b7e1-f23ceaa83b69.
Once you extract the files, go to SDK/tools/webresourceutility. When you first pull that directory you will notice that it looks like a Visual Studio Solution. Open the webresourceutility.sln file within Visual Studio 2010.
Once you have the solution open in Visual Studio, all you have to do is “Build” the solution. You can do this by shortcut (F6 or ctrl + shift + b) or by choosing build from the top menu. Once your solution has been built, go back to windows explorer and pull up SDK/tools/webresourceutility/bin/WebResourceUtility.exe. Here is what the application looks like when first launched.
From there, create a new connection. You will need your server, organization, username, and domain to get this to work. Once you connect you can start creating packages to upload.
Here you can create a new Package. Give the package a name and browse for a folder on your local drive that has the files for which you want to upload. At that point it will show you a list of the files and even give you the ability to search by filename too. Choose the files you want to upload with this package and click on “add files to web resources.” From there you can choose to save or upload your package. There is also a publish all customizations option after the Web Resource Upload Utility is done. Hope this helps next time you are trying to upload a handful of .png icon files.
Mittwoch, 14. März 2012
Using CRM 2011 Web Resource Utility
Dynamics Consulting München